Texas Moving Companies FAQs
![Moving Companies in Texas FAQs](images/moving_company_texas.png)
Q: Can you guarantee a pickup and delivery date?
A: Our Texas movers will make every attempt to meet your needs and deliver your belongs on the scheduled date. In the vast majority of cases, everything moves according to schedule - which benefits the Texas moving company, too! However, if weather conditions are poor or there are other unpredictable circumstances, this date may not always be met. If this happens, your Texas movers will provide an update as soon as we are aware of any delays.
Q: When should I schedule my move?
A: As soon as possible! The more lead time you provide, the better your Move Plan will be, especially regarding the date you want to have items unloaded at your new home or office.
Q: Do I have to be present when my items are unloaded?
A: Yes, you or a designated person must be on hand to instruct your Texas movers as to where you want items placed in your new home or office. At the end of the move-in, you will inspect all items and sign off on the contract for successful delivery of your belongings.
Q: What methods of payment do you accept?
A: Our Texas moving companies accept Visa, Master Card, money orders or cashier's checks.
Q: How do I get a quote?
A: Complete the form on this page to receive Texas moving company free quotes.
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![Texas Movers FAQs](images/texas_movers1.png)
![Texas Moving Company FAQs](images/texas_moving_company1.jpg)